Inventex CAD/CAM solutions are most often used in garment, lingerie, leather goods and textile production. Modules of the system are made with the assumption to provide functionality which will reduce time consumming tasks like construction and grading of patterns as much as possible. For highest quality tailored products we’ve an excellent InvenTex MTM module available.
InvenTex CAD/CAM system dedicated for upholstered furniture manufacturers is available in special FURNITURE version. Fully-functional software allows photodigitizing of customer’s patterns, construction, shaping of new patterns and making of optimized markers.
InvenTex CAD/CAM FURNITURE is dedicated also for the manufacturers of the car upholstery. Fully functional software with photodigitizing module allows for transferring of existing and creation and modelling of new patterns. Highly optimized nested markers can be also created.
Technical textiles
InvenTex CAD Furniture allows production preparation in technical textile field, eg prams, paraglider covers, tents, garden umbrellas, tilts, sails, boats covers, etc. Software allows to creation of a database of existing patterns which are then stored in the database and optimized nested markers creation.
Educational version of Inventex CAD/CAM system was created for teaching students of vocational schools, colleges and high schools utilizing new and innovative designing and construction tools, which are currently used in real production of the garment and textiles or upholstered furniture.