Company name: Firma Usługowo-Handlowa “SEMACO” sp. j.
Jerzy Skałoń, Marek Strojniak
Address: Poland 31-977 Kraków, Osiedle Szkolne 19a
Tax: PL6780101434
Producer and main distributor of InvenTex Software and Solutions
- We are providing solution in the best possible prices on the market
- Innovative systems, solutions of InvenCut Modern Cutting Room
- Professinal sewing machines and complete sewing room equipment
SEMACO company is a producer and developer of InvenTex System and solutions of InvenCut Modern Cutting Room. Due to many years of research and experience SEMACO become the leader of innovative and efficient solutions dedicated for garment, furniture and textile industries. For 25 years we are providing seewing machines, ironing equipment and complete seewing room solutions.
History of the company
Semaco company was established in 1989 in Cracow. Main area of activities is in selling industrial sewing machines. Since more than 20 years Semaco is an authorized representative of JUKI company – the unquestioned leader among manufacturers of the sewing machines in the World. Since more than 15 years Semaco is also the manufacturer of the Inventex CAD/CAM system for textile production – the only such software solution manufactured in Poland.
Company profile
Since 25 years we’re delivering modern solutions for manufacturers of garments, textiles, upholstered furniture which are supporting and speeding-up work in cutting and sewing rooms. Since more than 15 we’re manufacturing and delivering innovative computer-aided production preparation system InvenTex CAD/CAM, the only such solution in Poland.
Certificates and Awards
Every year since 2005 our company is granted the “Buisiness Fair Play” ("Przedsiębiorstwo Fair Play") and "Solid Company" (“Solidna Firma”) certificates. These certificates are the summary of credibility, reliability and solidity in cooperation with employees, customers and suppliers.
Constant growth of our company implies that we have to search for new employees. Semaco is offering jobs for candidates who value their independence in decision-making and who are strongly motivated to work with us, willing to prove themselves while doing interesting jobs in our branch offices in Kraków, Łódź and Katowice.