
Production preparation CAD/CAM

InvenTex CAD is a perfect and innovative system of computer preparing clothing production, applied also in the furniture upholstery and other textile products. InvenTex CAD is a comprehensive digitization, construction, modelling and grading forms and patterns, creating optimum cutting arrangements, realization of printouts to the plotter and generating files to cutter automatic cutting. InvenTex CAD is the latest relational SQL database technology for encrypted storage, guaranteeing data integrity and security. Inventex CAD is a masterful solution to increase the competitiveness of enterprises in a difficult and demanding market. Inventex CAD allows you to win competition in creativity, flexibility, productivity, fast trade, data exchange, communication and standardisation. Has an orderly, modern and friendly appearance screen (interface). Making advanced functions available to fast and effective work on the stage of preparing production.

Modules of the InvenTex CAD system

Modular system design allows you to configure your system to suit your needs and production requirements. Below we are describing grouped functionally available modules of the InvenTex CAD system: