
InvenTex ICP Cut Plan Planning orders cutting

Intelligent planning of optimal cutting orders

Cut Plan is optimising cutting orders, minimizing fabric consumption and cutting room costs!!!

InvenTex ICP Cut Plan is the most advanced tool for creation of highly optimized cutting markers, computer-aided decision making and cutting orders management allowing to obtain exceptional time and fabric savings. Optimization can be performed automatically or interactively with comprehensive support from the software. Basing on the order specification, taking into consideration the models, quantities in given color and size, assigned priorities and other additional parameters the best possible cutting order solutions are being created. Additionally all required restrictions and limitations are taken into account.  As a result we receive a complete set of most optimal cutting markers allowing to fulfill the order. Each marker contains specification of colors with required quantity of layers. Optimization perfectly reduces working time and minimize fabric consumption even by 10% in reference to the whole order size. During order processing the operator is continuously supported with information which have direct impact on taking correct and best possible decisions. Integrated support of the InvenTex IMM provides best possible arrangement of patterns for each created cutting marker.

Advantages for the user:

  • Best cutting optimization due to big fabric savings, minimizing the working time and number of required operations
  • Better fabric management, reduction of redundant resources and stock
  • Very precise calculation of cutting preparation and orders cutting costs
  • Higher organization level thanks to full control, awareness of taken decisions and high flexibility
  • Significant improvement of timeliness due to increased smoothness and error-free realization of production orders
  • Big reduction of total production costs and increased competitiveness

Fast and easy creation of orders

Most advanced yet very intuitive and readable

  • orders are created by most intuitive “drag and drop” method and required patterns are collected from a handy tray
  • hierarchical navigator and modern main menu it’s a key to easy and straightforward program usage
  • profiles are crucial to speed-up definition and setting-up of parameters needed for orders optimization
  • interactive controls for entering and presentation of data assure the highest level of verification and readable presentation of the results

Flexible and very functional

Optimization of small and very big orders with easy data modification

  • innovative numerical methods assure best calculations both for small and very big cutting others
  • various models, colors and sizes can be used within one order
  • the following optimization variants  can be selected: lowest cost, smallest quantity of markers, max. quantity of layers per marker, longest possible markers and many other combinations
  • fabric grouping allows to use fabrics with different widths, shrinkage and shades
  • big flexibility allowing to arrange cutting in a few stages with changes of quantities and methods of optimization during the whole process
  • creation of cutting markers on striped, patterned, one-ply, folded or in pairs (right side to right side)

Big savings of time and resources

Fast return of investment and continuous savings in following periods of time

  • fabric costs it’s even up to 70% of production costs, reduction of these costs greatly and positively impacts  economy of production
  • precisely defined fabric needs assure optimal orders, reduction of production waste and stock levels
  • realtime calculation of costs allows selection of the best solution and order fulfillment with lowest possible costs
  • advanced numerical algorithms result in very big savings of working time, eliminating tedious calculations

Excellent presentation of the results

Comprehensive and very readable reports are significantly improving flow of information and realization of planned cutting orders

  • printouts are the most useful form of program output of the results, the aesthetic aspects and meritorical contents emphasize useful features of the system
  • generated by the best reporting tools, clearly present the cut plan and optimization results
  • printed documents assure better production organization and facilitate cutting costs settlement
  • advanced editor provides tools for creation of customized reports and summaries
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