
InvenTex system in new version V12.3


Categories :Novelty

Newest version of the InvenTex CAD/CAM V 12.3, first shown during Texprocess 2015 exhibition in Frankfurt.

Modern cutting with InvenCut Master Line


Categories :Novelty

Modern InvenCut MASTER LINE automatic cutter for low-ply and multi-layered cutting of all types of fabrics and materials. These cutters have a very solid, stable and durable construction. High precision cutting of patterns through all fabric layers with perfect repeatability of cut shapes. Machines are available in multiple versions, allowing to select proper model for specific requirements of customer’s production. Available models allow cutting of multiple layers of fabrics with maximum thickness of 3, 5, 7.5 and 9cm in compressed state.

Kater InvenCut Master Line
Solidna technika, niezawodność w działaniu, wysoka wydajność oraz ekonomia użytkowania tak najkrócej można opisać automatyczny kater wielowarstwowy InvenCut Master Line. Dostępność wielu modeli umożliwia odpowiedni wybór i dopasowanie do obecnych i przyszłych potrzeb Twojej krojowni.
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Below please find gallery of photos taken during exhibitions where we presented InvenCut Master Line automatic cutter.

InvenCut ONE LINE fast cutter


Categories :Novelty

We’re pleased to present you with the long awaited novelty in the field of low-ply efficient cutting: InvenCut ONE LINE cutter which can meet the needs of a wide group of customers which need to cut arbitrary types of materials. InvenCut ONE LINE is a cutting machine meant for manufacturers of garments, upholstered furniture, cutting of composites and technical fabrics, but also in making leather products, gaskets, packaging, etc.

Kater InvenCut One Line
Gwarantuje najwyższą dokładność kształtu dla wycinanych elementów. Możliwość cięcia w dużym zakresie max. szerokości materiałów 80-320 cm. Liniowa prędkość cięcia 60 m/min. Duża ilość dostępnych narzędzi precyzyjnego rozkroju!
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This machine was first presented in Poland during ……. exhibition in 2014. Visitors were deeply impressed by its capabilities and the quality and aesthetics of finishing. During following exhibitions we’ve made InvenCut ONE LINE cutter an integral part of our stand. Below please find the gallery of photos taken during these trade shows.